Integrated Marketing Communication – Marrying the Old and the New

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMP) popped up recently as one of the ‘new’ marketing techniques web marketers are using to drive business. What’s amusing is that intouch Business has been using IMP to generate leads for our clients for a LONG time now. So, why all of a sudden is there this hype about IMP? 

Because most web marketers don’t understand how to integrate the old and the new in the best ways possible, because they don’t have years of testing and real-world experience to draw upon.

integrated marketing communication intouch businessWhat is Integrated Marketing Communication?

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines integrated marketing communications (IMC) as the “planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time.” 

In a nutshell, IMP fuses modern and traditional marketing strategies to communicate a brand’s message and increase customer engagement. This, in turn, produces more qualified leads and better conversions. All of this is accomplished by unifying advertising, public relations, direct marketing, social media, and sales promotion. 

The goal is to present a consistent message across all channels.

Steps to Creating Integrated Marketing Communication 

At intouch Business, we created the Accelerate Program for our clients,  as a means of marketing across all platforms. 

  • We help you identify your ideal customer
  • We create a database of prospects that fit your ideal customer profile
  • Utilizing integrated marketing communication, we develop awareness of your brand name and brand message
  • We acquire the information you need to turn a suspect into a prospect
  • We turn those insights over to your sales team who convert the prospect into a customer

After the initial campaign, continued engagement creates life-long customers and higher profit margins.

Why Experience Matters

Earlier, we stressed the fact that intouch Business has been using integrated marketing communication for quite a number of years. 

Why is this important?

Let’s take another look at the definition of IMP:   “IMP fuses modern and traditional marketing strategies”

Traditional marketing strategies – what are those? They are the tried and true methods of marketing that were developed BEFORE the current explosion of digital marketing practices. When married with new and innovative marketing techniques, you receive the very best of both. 

Having tested campaigns and knowing how people respond to messaging gives intouch insight into how to create targeted ads. Understanding how online and offline efforts complement one another ensures consistency of message and also eliminates wasted time and resources.

We don’t feel that integrated marketing is necessarily “new,” but it is very important for today’s markets and one of the best strategies for generating new leads. So, why wouldn’t you want to work with the company who understands how to fuse modern and traditional marketing strategies together for the best possible outcomes.

intouch Business  partners with companies in dynamic and creative ways. The intouch Accelerate Program is just another way we can help you determine the optimal time for contacting a client. Don’t neglect customer engagement. Instead, reach out and touch new and existing clients and build brand recognition.

Contact intouch Business for more ideas on how you can grow your business and increase customer engagement.

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Julian Aston