Paid Media
Reach Out to Customers for Life!

Buy a visit to your site or product offering? But that’s only the end of the beginning, because paid search is much more.
Whether you’re using google to attract a visit, bing, amazon, or others, today it’s all about the search. But attracting a qualified lead doesn’t equate to actually capturing them. And, if you don’t capture a solid percentage of search initiated leads, you won’t ultimately attain a conversion, i.e., a new customer who has made a purchase.
Yes, it’s a far more complicated task than just initiating a visit from a qualified searcher. That’s why you need experts in your corner. Experts who understand the use of metrics to improve decision-making: quality score, cost per lead, cost per acquisition, net profitability based on CLV.
Not only that, experts who understand the importance of your landing page, the reviews you have received, the message you are conveying, your prominence in search engines, the manner in which you respond to an inquiry, and more.
When you engage intouch, you engage a team that understands where to invest your marketing dollars and maximize your ROI. Together with our Google Premier Partners we form a team of experienced marketers and highly skilled technicians who know that a self-qualified inquiry can start with a search lead. Most importantly, the details of the inquiry must be captured, qualified and nurtured - taken from the ‘stickiness’ of your landing page through a series of drip emails and direct communication. The entire time we stay focused on their conversion and retention.
Choose intouch. Our objective is not just to attract someone searching for your category, but most important, build that individual into a Customer for Life.